Frederick George Campbell

Frederick George Campbell was an American sheep breeder and rancher from the Green Mountains of Vermont. He is chiefly known as one of six founders of Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity in 1873.

Frederick George Campbell, born and bred in the Green Mountains, much like coFounder Clay, was from the small town of Westminister West, Vermont. He prepared for college at the Powers Institute in Bernardston, Massachusetts. His father had an international reputation as a breeder of finewooled, American, Merino sheep. Indeed a pen of his sheep took the sweepstake prize at Hamburg, and were thereupon sold to a Continental breeder for 5,000 a great sum of money at the time. Campbell was exceedingly practical in his philosophy of life, and would drolly say of some of his college work, Now that isnt going to be of any use to me. While not like Clay, bubblingly original and creative in his thinking powers, he seems still to have been a dynamic force in putting a presented idea into actual operation.

Source: Wikipedia